The question that arises in our mind when we hear of loosing weight is that- what should I not eat to loose weight? If you are overweight, you cannot continue with your current eating habits. It is not possible to loose weight and reduce body fat while eating lots of food, junk food, cakes and sweets. This does not mean one can never have treats and go for parties. But you need to learn how to stay in your limit. You should eat less and choose a healthy diet plan. There are never short cuts in loosing weight and staying fit. One has to work out and control on their food habits to get a perfect shape. Eating 300 to 500 calories less per day may help you loose between one and two pounds a week. Fat contains the most amounts of calories out of all the types of food. So a good way to achieve on this is to cut down on fatty foods. Below are the ways to reduce calorie intake without having to alter your diet significantly which can be the best diet for teen girls.
- Replace fizzy drinks and fruit cordials with water.
- Swap whole milk for semi skimmed, or semi skimmed for skimmed milk.
- Eat less lunch than usual. For example make your own sandwich and limit the use of butter and full fat.
- Stop taking sugar in tea and coffee.
- Have smaller portions of the food you enjoy.
- Avoid having a second helping at dinner.
- Cut out unhealthy treats such as confectionary, sugary biscuits and crisps between meals.
- Cut down on beer and alcohol.
Another thing which one should always keep in mind is avoid crash dieting. Crash diets are extreme in its deprivations which typically severely restricts calorie intake. In other words crash diets forces your metabolism to burn out very few calories. And in the process of crash dieting it limits your energy level. It is meant to achieve rapid weight loss and differs from out right starvation. They are never meant to last for a long period of time. So people should always avoid crash diet. These crash diets are typically unhealthy and are rarely recommended. So it can be said that it is better to avoid crash dieting because crash diets can cause harm your health and make you weaker. If referred then only crash diets are preferable. It can bring your energy level down. Planning a proper diet chart is very necessary. A proper diet chart may help you stay healthy and at the same time it also helps to loose weight. Take proper amount of food and a proper amount of exercise makes you look fit and healthy. So the best way to loose weight is to avoid crash diet and rather go for healthy foods which may help you reduce calories. Eat less, eat healthy and you will definitely help reduce weight among teens and make them feel better.