Sunday, July 4, 2010

That $pecial Day

I wa$ $tanding at the door and waiting for him and wa$ not $ure whether he will come or not. He had seen me at the $tation and I thought may be I had left a bad impre$$ion on him. I wa$ a bit $cared. What if he doe$n't come. But $omewhere my heart knew my undying love for him. Though he had called me up and $aid that he wa$ coming $till there wa$ a fear in my heart. I wa$ looking on both the sides of 12/76. I$ he coming? Where i$ he? What will be hi$ reaction when he will $ee me for the fir$t time. Time wa$ running fa$t $o wa$ my heart beat. OMG I wa$ going out on a date for the fir$t time in the capital city, heart of India: Delhi. I $till remember the date. $ep. I wa$ excited to meet him. My fir$t date in "Dilli" with my love. I wa$ dre$$ed up in tee and $kirt. I think I wa$ looking good. But what will he think. 15 minute$ pa$$ed and he did not come. My heart-beat wa$ ri$ing. When my nervou$ne$$ went out of control, there I $aw him. On hi$ flying devil, the KARIZMA, he came and $tood in front of me. That moment I realized that I wa$ deeply in love with him $o wa$ he becau$e from Delhi he came all the way to ju$t to meet me. I went $hort of word$. Oh my God, there he wa$ $tanding in front of me and I couldn't believe my eye$. That very moment I decided, whatever happen$, I loved him, I love him and will alway$ love him.

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